Author: Sally

Top 5 Foods to Avoid

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Top 5 Foods To Avoid!

Farm Raised Salmon

Refined White Sugar
(includes corn syrup)

Processed Meats

Another high-risk cancer food, according to Dr. David Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany. According to his assessment, farmed salmon not only lacks vitamin D, but it is often contaminated with carcinogenic chemicals, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), flame retardants, pesticides, and antibiotics (

Cancer cells love sugar. Unfortunately refined white sugar is something they feed uncontrollably on and likely will spread quickly throughout the body.

You will be amazed when you read ingredients at just how many things have refined white sugar in them!  I encourage you to read ingredients on EVERYTHING before you buy it, and I mean EVERYTHING, as even many spicy sauces and dry rubs have refined sugar listed in their ingredients.

BETTER CHOICE: (and use in moderation) stevia, stuvia, blackstrap molasses, organic maple syrup, and organic local honey

Most hot dogs, sausage, bacon, and lunch meats are processed and preserved with these chemicals: sodium nitrite and/or sodium nitrate in order to lengthen their shelf life and to enhance to appearance with color and enhance flavor.The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that levels of nitrates and nitrites in foods pose a “major concern” and that more research is needed to    determine the risk of dietary exposure.


GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms)

Refined White Flour

This one is scary folks! Anything that causes rapid tumor growth has no place in a healthy diet! Especially if you want to prevent or fight cancer! When your body is compromised already and fighting any disease, the last thing you need to do is bombard it with chemicals! GMOs are everywhere. Beware of any conventional corn, soybeans, and canola!

AVOID THEM:  Stick with “certified organic,” “certified non-GMO verified,” and locally grown foods that are produced naturally. (be sure to ask about how it is grown)

Refined flour is a common ingredient in processed foods, but its excess carbohydrate content is a serious cause for concern. A study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Mile Markers, and Prevention found that regular consumption of refined carbohydrates was linked to a 220 percent increase in breast cancer among women. High-glycemic foods in general have also been shown to rapidly raise blood sugar levels in the body, which directly feeds cancer cell growth and spread (

ALTERNATIVES: Organic Almond Flour, Organic Coconut Flour, Organic Quinoa Flour, and gluten-free flours or blends but just be sure they are non-GMO and preferably organic.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods & Diet to Combat Aging!

Anti-Inflammatory Foods & Diet to Combat Aging!

Anti-Inflammatory Foods And Diet To Combat Aging

Aging gracefully means being as healthy as you can be for as long as possible.  Your dietary and lifestyle choices play a big role in that.  Even though you make the effort to exercise and eat right, you should always be looking for ways to fight aging through eating anti-inflammatory foods.

All of the anti-aging philosophies, promises, and products can be daunting.  You may wonder whether or not eating anti-inflammatory foods is helpful to you.  It turns out that the body’s aging process can be accelerated by inflammation in the body. You need to talk to your doctor, dietitian, or nutritionist to find out more about this.

What is inflammation and how can it affect your body?

The immune system responds to injury and diseases by providing you with inflammation.  This is a normal process that is important for healing.  One the other hand, not all inflammation is healthy for you.

When inflammation gets out of hand, it can attack the normal cells of your body and the process that is supposed to heal you becomes self-destructive.  It is now well known that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses, especially those related to the aging process.

Persistent stress, over-exposure to environmental toxins, and poor diet can all contribute to this type of inflammatory process.

Can something be done?

The good news is that there are some lifestyle choices that can help this process.  Following an anti-inflammatory diet is one way to control the aging process.  While it sounds like a good idea, be wary.  The anti-inflammatory diet is an eating plan you follow through on throughout your life in order to combat the aging process.  It isn’t technically geared for weight loss but rather helps improve your overall long-term health.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The anti-inflammatory diet places a focus on whole foods that are whole and unrefined, high in anti-inflammatory spices, high in healthy fats, and high in omega 3 fatty acids.

Some things to include in an anti-inflammatory diet include the following:

  • Edamame
  • Healthy fats found in extra virgin olive oil of high quality, beans, avocados, seeds, and nuts
  • Vegetables and foods that are brightly colored, such as dark berries, fruits, and vegetables
  • Clean water and green tea as a beverage
  • Spices that are anti-inflammatory, such as cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger

Foods to Avoid

It is also important to decrease your intake of foods that cause inflammation.  Highly processed foods are inflammatory as are carbohydrates that are quickly digested, such as sugar and sugary snacks.  You need to stay away from foods containing vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated oils, and polyunsaturated oils, such as soy, corn, safflower, and sunflower oils.

It may be difficult to know if you are eating any of these foods, which is why you need to read the food labels to see if any of these inflammatory foods are in them. When you’re not sure, you should buy raw unprocessed foods and cook them yourself.  Food that are labeled “raw” or “organic” can be seen as good foods to choose in an anti-inflammatory diet.

Does an anti-inflammatory diet work?

According to the expert dietitians, there is good evidence to show that monounsaturated oils and omega 3 oils can fight inflammation.  On the other hand, some of the information is off when it comes to taking anti-inflammatory foods to combat aging.  One study indicated that heredity can play a role in who gets the disease and who doesn’t.

While diet is important, genetics also plays a role in the aging process.  You can decrease the effects of chronic diseases by eating an anti-inflammatory food diet.  Don’t make big changes all at once.  Start introducing anti-inflammatory foods gradually into your diet and take away inflammatory foods so that eventually your diet represents an anti-inflammatory diet as much as is possible.

Are there risks to an anti-inflammatory diet?

According to experts, there are no known risks to taking an anti-inflammatory diet.  You should, however, take precautions if you have food allergies.  You should talk to your doctor about finding ways to use this type of diet to your advantage.

Is it time for you to relax?

Is it time for you to relax?

Assessing Your Need For Relaxation: Are You On The Verge Of Burnout

It is kind of obvious once you have hit burnout, the exhaustion, lack of motivation, poor efficacy, and overwhelming doubts of whether you should even be at your job are hard to miss. But, if you are not there yet, perhaps the symptoms aren’t as obvious.

So what is burnout? Burnout is the result of too much stress either from your job, a life situation, or even your personality. In the simplest of terms, burnout is absolute exhaustion, physical, mental, and emotional.

It is a combination of symptoms that cause you to be much less effective at work, less happy at home, and if left unchecked could cause your serious health complications. Burnout can leave you anxious, depressed, unmotivated, and ineffective. The list of symptoms can be vague and sound like just life, but life isn’t supposed to feel like burnout.

The first things you will notice looking for burnout are the causes. You will experience poor work-life balance, poor job fit, mismatched values, lack of control, or a dysfunctional work environment that wear on your peace of mind and your sanity. At first, it won’t seem like much we have all muscled through hectic times, made it through, and not suffered any consequences.

Then, the symptoms hit. They creep in quietly and gradually as the enjoyment drips from your job and then your life. Perhaps just a general air of negativity and apathy towards your everyday activities. You might just feel stuck or indifferent. But, soon you lose sight of your values and your ability to focus; anxiety, depression, and insomnia set in as your mental faculties deteriorate from the weight of the stress.

Scariest of all, if left unchecked your physical health can begin to take the brunt of the burnout. You may begin noticing weight gain, frequent illnesses, various bouts of pain, high blood pressure, and an increase in the severity of existing conditions.

With burnout being something everybody would live better without, how do we prevent the mental turmoil and physical deterioration?

If you are beginning to experience any of the symptoms of burnout, consider reassessing your interests, skills, and passions and compare against current options. If you have good options, to move within your company or career path, these changes will be the easiest to make and cause the least amount of stress. Identify and manage your stressors as best as you can.

Another thing you can do to lessen the effects of burnout on your health and your life is keep your own attitude in check. Find gratitude and enjoyment in your job and life, it could be your lunch break or the drive home. Just find something you can enjoy and look forward to through your day so it doesn’t feel like the deep dark hole. Making a conscious effort to change your attitude may buy you the time to make a change.

Reach out and gather support around you. Friends, family, co-workers, HR, and professional help can all help you through the difficulties associated with burnout and decrease symptoms like depression that make the experience so much worse.

Lastly, take time for self-care, it isn’t selfish. Getting the time to relax, sleep, and exercise can be vital to curbing burnout before it starts. The required amount of sleep, 7-8 hours a night, can nip exhaustion in the bud and help your concentration. Exercise decreases pain and releases dopamine and serotonin to decrease depression and anxiety.

Nobody wants to go in on Monday morning, but if you are feeling the effects of burnout and especially denying these feelings, you might need to assess your need to be proactive against burnout in your job and in life.



Nature’s Super Foods: Edible Flowers For Good Health

Nature’s Super Foods: Edible Flowers For Good Health

Nature’s Super Foods: Edible Flowers For Your Good Health

It’s no secret that flowers are incredibly versatile plants. They’re beautiful, can be used as ingredients in lotions and perfumes, work well in art, can be used for colors and pigments, and so much more.

However, did you know that plenty of flowers are edible as well?

That’s right—edible flowers and some weeds are a great way to get an extra kick of Vitamins A and C in your diet and can be grown in your own backyard.

The petals and greens of some flowers and weeds can have wonderful effects on your health, and generations of people have been eating these edible treats for years. It is important to note that not all flowers are edible; in fact, some can be poisonous if consumed, so knowing which flowers you can eat, and which you should not can definitely come in handy.

The following is a list of edible flowers, their benefits, and some reasons why you should add them to your diet.

Edible Flowers List

Different flowers, weeds, and greens have different health benefits. Some groups are rich in vitamins and minerals while others aid specific bodily systems such as the digestive tract, cardiovascular systems, and others. The following are edible flowers grouped by their health benefits:

Edible Flowers High In Vitamins and Minerals:

  • Marigolds, Portulacas, Purslanes, Roses, and Chives are all highly rich in vitamin C.
  • Edible weeds such as dandelion flowers are also high in Vitamins A and C and the greens are chocked full of healthy minerals phosphorous, calcium, and iron. These help build strong bones, reduce cholesterol and inflammation, and regulating weight and metabolism.

Digestive Aids:

  • Elderberry blooms and calendula blooms are the leading flowers that help with digestion. Common stomach problems such as bloating, cramping, constipation, and irregularity can be aided by adding these blooms to your diet.
  • Goldenrod blooms also help with digestion in addition to their work to sooth urinary tract infections and even relieve allergies. They can be added in salads, with baked goods, or used as garnish for full courses. If used to make teas, they can be excellent for reducing fevers and stimulating the immune system.

Stress and Sleep Aids:

Vibrant California poppies, soft chamomile blooms, and lavender flowers are well-known sleep and stress aids. They come in oils, teas, lotions, drops, medications, and even bath soaps. They are a delicious and natural way to unwind at the end of the long day and promise a restful night’s sleep.

Detox Aids:

  • The Hibiscus flower contains a number of antioxidants that can prevent cholesterol deposits and even helps liver problems and disorders. Antioxidants are effective anti-aging nutrients that also reduce the risk of cancer and inflammation because they cleanse the body of toxins that build up every day from the foods we eat, stress, dirty air, and some everyday household products. When the body is cleansed of these, you feel better, more alert, lighter, and even happier.

Pain Relievers:

  • Honeysuckle and hyssop flowers are excellent edible flowers for relieving respiratory problems as well as soothing pain in the stomach and colon. Mullein flowers help with these problems as well as headaches and other common body aches.

Antibiotic and Anti-inflammatory Aids:

  • Nasurtiums are useful little flowers that contain natural antibiotic properties and are great when fighting an infection or bacterial illness.
  • Red clover blooms are even more useful as they are an effective blood purifier and can be consumed through a great tasting tea.
  • Violets and violas contain anti-inflammatory properties as well, which helps with relaxation and soothes the worst symptoms of fevers and colds.

Look for Recipes

Once your garden is in bloom, you can begin exploring natural recipes for your edible flowers, weeds, and greens.

Salads, teas, baked goods, jellies and jams, breads, stir-fry, roasts and a number of other dishes can include these delicious and natural additions, and your family will enjoy the health benefits that come along with them.

These blooms and more are a wonderful way to get to nature and brighten up your diet. There are some flowers such as apple, pea, lemon, orange, begonias, tulips, and more that are perfect just for flavoring, so begin your garden and see what you can really do!

Consume Responsibly

The best place to buy edible flowers is at your local farmers’ market. They will have a large selection and you can make sure they are organic and not sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals.

You can also check your grocery store’s produce section, not the floral section or order them online with websites that ship overnight for optimal freshness. You can even grow your own, just be sure to learn the proper method of food safety.

While turning to nature is a smart and effective way to get into your best health, you should keep in mind that many of these natural remedies are not always backed by doctors or even approved by the FDA.

Alternative health shops and websites may offer glowing reviews of these edible flowers and the natural remedies they offer but it is up to you to do thorough research before adding these to your diet.

Once you’ve ensured that the flowers, greens and weeds you want to consume are indeed safe, you can begin to use them to enhance the flavor of your food and your health.

10 Ways to Combat Fatigue & Increase Vitality

10 Ways to Combat Fatigue & Increase Vitality

10 Ways To Combat Fatigue And Increase Your Vitality

We live in a society of tired and worn out people. Many people have desk jobs or sit around all day, which, while not using much actual energy, tends to make us feel zapped and more tired because physical movement begets energy. We run around from work to chores to home where we face more chores without the needed energy to accomplish these tasks. We spend weekends stuck to gaming systems, television screens and spend little time in the fresh air.

We spend time wishing we had more energy. We take unhealthy shortcuts by downing Red Bull energy drinks to keep us going, not realizing that these drinks contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine that have landed many people in hospital emergency rooms. The energy drink industry, which nets an estimated $10 billion per year is resulting in a rising number of patients, many of whom are young in being treated in emergency rooms for serious complications related to the high intake of caffeine in drinks like 5-hour energy, Monster Energy and of course, Red Bull.

According to a report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, visits to hospitals because of energy drink complications doubled from 2007 to 2011. 20,783 emergency room visits cited energy drinks as a primary cause of the health condition being treated, including headaches, anxiety, irregular heartbeats, and heart attacks.

Many of us are overweight and partake in a diet filled with processed fake food that does not nutrify our bodies and only weighs us down and makes us tired and sick.

Fortunately, there are natural and effective ways you can combat fatigue and increase your energy and vitality. Some of these techniques and habits can also slow the process of aging.

There are some ways you can fight fatigue:

  1. Make sure there isn’t something physically wrong. There are several physical reasons why you might have chronic fatigue, from thyroid disease, anemia, sleep apnea, heart disease, to arthritis. The only way you can determine if any of these are the problem is to visit your doctor and be evaluated for these diseases. Many can be treated or reversed so that you can gain energy back.
  2. Pay attention to the medications you are taking. Many medications have fatigue as a side effect and only a few of them have this side effect wear off after continued use. If you feel especially tired after starting a medication, talk to your doctor to see if anything can be done.
  3. While it would seem logical that exercise would make fatigue worse, actually the opposite is true. Being physically active tends to boost your energy levels, not to mention maximize the function of many of your body’s organs. Exercise can help you lose weight, which can further significantly increase your energy. According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for aerobic activity that is known to increase energy and vitality, especially as we age.
  4. Try yoga. Yoga is one exercise that has been shown to improve confidence, lessen fatigue, and clear the mind. Many types of yoga are ideal for just about any fitness level. Yoga has been found to be helpful by research in men and women over the age of 65, who generally have a great problem with fatigue.
  5. Keep from being dehydrated. Keep a water bottle filled and chilled for more energy by fighting dehydration. Research on athletes has shown that being dehydrated zaps the energy from their activity. Even if you’re not athletic, staying hydrated with water will give you that added bit of energy you deserve.
  6. Get enough sleep. The best way to get enough sleep is to go to bed early and get at least 7-9 hours of sleep. In one 2004 study, it was found that people who got adequate sleep were more vigorous and reported less fatigue. Naps are other ways to freshen up your energy level. Try for short naps, no longer than 30 minutes. Any longer than that and you will have difficulty sleeping during the night. One study showed that a nap followed by a small quantity of caffeine such as a 5-ounce cup of coffee or tea can restore your energy even more.
  7. Try omega-3 fatty oils. Fish oil capsules are good for you in many ways. One way, as shown by a 2009 Italian study, to boost energy and have quicker mental reaction times, is to take fish oil capsules containing omega 3 fatty acids. The capsules also restored physical vigor.
  8. Become aware of your personal circadian rhythm. Everyone is different in terms of when they have the most energy. Find out if you’re a morning person or a night owl and work with it instead of against it. If you have especially demanding activities to do, choose to do them when you have the most energy to work with.
  9. Lose weight. Carrying around extra weight can be exhausting and the only way to rid yourself of that exhaustion is to start a healthy exercise and diet program that will help you shed pounds and feel more vigorous. There are no specific diets that work any better than creating a calorie deficit and working out at least 30 minutes per day.
  10. Eat smaller meals. Large meals zap you of energy because the body needs to use a lot of energy to digest them. Think about a time you ate a buffet, where everyone naturally eats too much food, versus a meal that included a salad. More likely than not when you left the buffet you felt exhausted and wishing someone would wheel you out of there, versus the energy you felt after a raw whole food meal such as a salad. Small and frequent meals will keep your blood sugars from fluctuating, giving you steady amounts of food energy throughout the day.


The Power of Positive Thinking!

The Power of Positive Thinking!

Is Your Glass Half-Full Or Half Empty? How Positivity Can Change Your Life

Do you know what happy, successful people think about every day? It’s simple. They think about what they want and how they can get it. Positivity can change your life.

When you spend your time thinking and talking about what you want from life and how you can achieve it, you will feel happier and more in control. When you think about happy things, your brain releases endorphins, which give you a feeling of well-being. It doesn’t take long to develop a positive attitude.

The Importance of Optimism

Psychological tests have shown that happy people have a specific quality that enables them to live a better life. That quality, of course, is optimism. If you’re groaning at the thought of such positivity, because you worry that you can’t become an optimist, then stop right now. According to WebMD, optimism can be learned. It’s all about cause and effect. If you change your way of thinking and align it with optimists, you will start to feel happier and see results.

The Happy Find The Good In The World

There are two distinct ways that optimists deal with the world, which sets them apart from the rest:

  • First, they remain focused on what they want, looking for ways to achieve it. They set clear goals and remain confident they will achieve them.
  • Second, in every difficult situation an optimist will look for the good. When something goes wrong, they determine what lesson or knowledge can be drawn from the situation.

If you look for the good in someone or something then you will always find it, and in the looking, you will find yourself more cheerful.

The Power Of Positive Thinking 

Optimists seek the lesson in every obstacle. They don’t get upset and look at where they can lay blame. They control their emotions and look at things logically.

Positive thinking has several benefits to your life:

Motivation: Willpower and motivation come from a strong mind. Negative thoughts lead to negative actions. When you replace pessimism with optimism, you reshape your outlook.

Strong Relationships: Happiness attracts happiness, thus happy people attract people who are happy. If you surround yourself with negativity, you will only attract negativity. Positivity breeds trust, which builds strong relationships. Without trust, relationships cannot survive. We are hardwired to seek trust.

Confidence: Negativity spreads and can impact other attributes, such as self-esteem and confidence. The key to leading a happy life is loving yourself. Optimists laugh louder, love harder, and walk taller. They glow.

Strong Mind & Body: Negative thoughts are draining and can have a severe impact on your mental health. They can leave you struggling to get up in the morning and inhibit your ability to sleep. Fatigue leads to weakness, sadness, and a lack of motivation. Therefore, negativity takes a toll on your whole body.

Choose Happiness

You can make the choice today to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. Look at your blessings rather than noting every shortcoming. Look at the best in everyone around you, because in truth, the majority of people are honest and good. Look for the good in their actions and in their words, and resolve to be of good cheer.

It’s easy to be upbeat when everything in your life is going well. However, it’s even more important to do so when everything is going against you or is falling apart. You can still draw from your inner strength and look on the bright side of life, it will pay off in spades.